Dr. Claire Beattie
Research Areas:
- Public sector organizations
- Accounting education
- Corporate governance
- Managerial accounting

Claire primarily researches in the field of management accounting and has successfully published articles on performance measurement, sustainability, and management accounting education. I have also conducted research in corporate governance and forensic accounting. I enjoy working in research teams where each individual member brings different areas of specialty and expertise to the project. I have successfully contributed to funded projects in the areas of agribusiness, professional attributes and competencies, and financial literacy. I utilise qualitative research methodologies and seek to explore how accounting practice impacts and is impacted by organisational activities. I am particularly interested in the use of case study research to enhance our understanding of the social role of accounting. My research has typically been conducted in public sector organisations. I teach management accounting courses and am an author of a leading introductory accounting textbook. I continually aim to develop teaching strategies that improve students’ ability to progress through their university program.